Middle School Counseling
Meet Your Counselors
Amy McFarland - 6th grade, 7th grade (A-L)
Email: amy.mcfarland@fwisd.org
Phone: (817) 815-7182
TBA - 7th grade (M-Z), 8th grade
Phone: (817) 815-7183
School Psychologist
Kylie Cuevas - Licensed School Psychologist
Email: kylie.cuevas@fwisd.org
Phone: (817) 815-7126
Need a recommendation letter? Here's what we need from you:
https://www.fwisd.org//cms/lib/TX01918778/Centricity/Domain/2106/Senior Information Sheet.docx
Need records?
Contact counseling clerk Deborah Henninge at (817) 815-7107 or email deborah.henninge@fwisd.org.
Students and Parents: Please sign up for Remind.
Counselors send grade-level specific information this way.
Students: Please join our Google Classrooms.
Classroom codes are above, and will allow you to access schedule change requests and more.
Need Transcripts? Official transcripts are available from Ms. Gutierrez in the main office.