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Our Schools


Value Evaluator

Please be honest in your responses; no email or name is attached to the survey. The exercise is to help us grow in understanding of what we value and what we believe.

Select your Grade Level

a. Kindergarten

b. First Grade

c. Second Grade

d. Third Grade

e. Fourth Grade

f. Specials, Support, and Fine Arts

g. Office & Administration


1. The primary role of a teacher is to...

Demonstrate the correct way to solve a problem.

Actively engage students in the learning process.

Help students find the correct answer.

Ensure I keep the students seated and the principal away from my room.

2. Problems should be presented to students...

So that students can find their own solutions.

With multiple acceptable answers.

As a practice tool for future assessments.

With clear, correct answers.

3. Please choose the statement that best reflects your beliefs about curriculum.

Thinking and reasoning processes are more important than specific curriculum content.

How much students learn depends on how much background knowledge they have; that is why teaching facts is so necessary.

The curriculum is a suggestion so I can teach other things that are more important.

Order of teaching the curriculum is decided by research based practices & needs of my students.

4. I believe students learn best...

Individually in a variety of environments.

Individually in a quiet place.

In small groups with teacher guidance.

In a variety of environments both individually and in groups with and without the teacher.

5. Please select which statement best describes the purpose of grading.

To accurately reflect the quality of a student’s work.

To accurately reflect what a student has learned.

To provide a means to quantify student performance compared to learning objectives.

To provide feedback to the student and parents about student performance.

6. Please select the statement that best reflects your beliefs about homework.

Homework is an important way to teach responsibility.

Homework is a necessary daily practice for student academic growth.

Homework should be assigned rarely, if at all.

Homework should be given in appropriate amounts for practice and not a performance grade.

7. Student discipline is chiefly the responsibility of...

The entire school staff.

Campus administrators.

Classroom teachers.

Parents at home.

8. Discipline in our school needs...

More parental support for our success.

To be more clearly defined with tougher consequences.

To be a clearer, more unified process for all staff to implement.

Very little should be changed; consequences are appropriately assigned depending on the situation.

9. Which best describes how you usually spend your conference period?

Meeting with colleagues to plan.

Meetings with colleagues and parents to discuss student data.

Returning phone calls, email, grading papers and generally playing catch up

Studying up on best practices & learning new information.

Other Responses [Enter Your Own]

10. Communication between my student’s classroom and home is...

Individualized for the needs of the student.

The responsibility of the parent and students.

Primarily done through email and web communications.

Open, helpful, and frequent.

11. Students believe that school is best when...

They know there will be a time to see their friends.

They are engaged, supported, and challenged.

They get to work on projects.

They know the work will be easy for them to do.

12. Campus funds allotted for instruction should be used...

To supplement instructional material.

Further staff's professional development for current initiatives.

To support innovative ideas and theories.

Build background knowledge for students and staff.

13. The primary role of the Principal is...

Instructional leader (ensure appropriate instructional strategies are utilized and relevant learning opportunities are provided for all learners.)

Representative of the school to the community and wok to strengthen the relationship between school and home.

Lead and implement district initiatives through monitoring data analysis, school budgets, personnel, and policy governance.

14. The primary role of the Asst. Principal is...

Chairperson for student meetings (504 & ARD) - Observe and monitor classroom instruction to support teachers and ensure appropriate instructional strategies are utilized and relevant learning opportunities are provided for all learners.

Lead the coordination of safety inspections, safety drill practice activities, and crisis plan development and implementation.

Lead in the coordination of communicating to students, staff and parents school guidelines for student conduct; ensure that school rules are uniformly observed and that consequences of misconduct

15. The primary role of the Counselor is...

Plan, implement, evaluate and advocate for a comprehensive developmental guidance program (that includes the four components (1) Guidance Curriculum, (2) Responsive Services, (3) Individual Planning, and (4) System Support)

Provide professional expertise to promote understanding of student development, individual behavior, and human relationships;

Consult with parents, staff, and other community members in order to increase the effectiveness of student education and promote student success.

16. The role of the front office is

Coordinate, communicate, and record student, teacher, and school data (budget, attendance, substitutes, PTA information, ad-hoc schedules)

Work with campus administrators, teachers, parents, staff, and visitors to create and maintain an orderly and highly structured supportive environment

Assist in school safety and consistency by ensuring the entry of all visitors receive the same message/process (door entry, visitor badges, parking concerns, events)

17. If I could ask for one thing to improve our campus, it would be....

a. Nothing, the school is great!

b. Improved facilities, as group we always can improve.

c. Better communication; parents do not receive enough & either do we

d. More planning time; we want to do what is best for our children and need more time to do this.

18. My favorite story at our campus involves:

a. a child

b. the building

c. a colleague

d. a parent